Another year is upon us and I can’t wait to get into it. We open tomorrow, Friday, at 11:00 AM. The National Weather Service is calling for rain in our area, primarily in the morning, with a high air temperature of 59°F. We have rarely seen an air temperature that high on opening day. The NWS is only half right most of the time. But I do believe they are correct on the air temperature. I like to beat on the NWS as much as I can. But, actually, they do get it right in a general sense. In a specific sense, it’s always less than half. And being the boat person that I am, a change of five or ten knots of wind can make a big difference at this time of year.
We have been working steadily toward the goal of opening since the middle of March. The bulk of the work has been shouldered primarily by Matt Pedersen, who has been my right hand at Barnacle Billy’s (Original) since our father, Billy, passed away in 2013. The other principals of note (who have been working their tails off) are Stu Dunn, Danny Neumann, E. L. Littlefield and Micah Tower. I feel so lucky to have them as part of the team.
The individuals working on the floor tomorrow will include Jen B, Taryn, Kamrie & Lydia, the best cocktail waitstaff team on the planet. Kadi and Gracie will be working takeout. Brandon, Erskin and Paul will be working middle bay. Aaron and Lincoln will be taking your order up front. These are solid solid people who I just love. We also have others from Barnacle Billy’s, Etc who you probably won’t know but who are just as important to me. I am so looking forward to having them all in one place tomorrow.
And the big one; my sister, Meg, will be working tomorrow. Ahhheeee!
We are just about ready to go. Lobsters won’t be arriving until tomorrow morning. Lobster meat won’t be picked until tomorrow as well. Chowders are being made as I write. Our barbecued chickens are also being prepped. And many other things are coming together. I’m looking forward to seeing you all. And I’m very much looking forward to being here!